March 2022 Stakeholder Report
OMB recently shared a copy of this year’s Analytical Perspectives chapter called “Leveraging Federal Statistics to Strengthen Evidence-based Decision-making.” This chapter, which formerly was named “Strengthening Federal Statistics,” is back in the Analytical Perspectives volume this year, which was published alongside the FY 2023 President’s Budget today. The chapter is available online at:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics invites you to participate in a survey to help shape a possible new National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth (NLSY) cohort. The NLSY are a set of surveys designed to gather information about people over time on their labor market experiences and other significant life events. BLS is currently in the process of gathering input regarding a potential new cohort which could begin in 2026. Therefore, they are seeking feedback on this and improvements to the ongoing cohorts, the NLSY79 and NLSY97. This survey is an exciting chance to share your thoughts on content, survey methodology, and dissemination of these important surveys.
Participation in this survey is voluntary. If you decide to participate, the survey will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please note that this survey is being administered by and resides on a server outside of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) domain. The BLS cannot guarantee the protection of survey responses and advises against the inclusion of personally-identifiable information—such as your full name, phone number, e-mail address, etc.—in any response.
Please access the survey by visiting the following website on your computer or mobile device:
The Call for Papers was recently sent out for the 2022 FCSM Research & Policy Conference which will take place October 25-27 at the Washington Convention Center. This year’s theme is “Great Expectations: New Directions and Innovations for Sustainable Federal Statistics.” For more information or to submit an abstract please visit
Upcoming Events
COPAFS Quarterly Meeting: June 3
COPAFS will hold its next Quarterly Meeting on Friday, June 3, 2022. The meeting will be virtual and will feature the heads of the federal statistical agencies.
2022 AERA Annual Meeting: April 21-26
The 2022 AERA Annual Meeting will take place in San Diego, CA. The theme is “Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century.” For more information, please click here.
77th Annual AAPOR Conference: May 11-13
The 77th Annual AAPOR Conference will take place in Chicago, IL. The conference theme is “Come Together: Advancing Inclusion and Equity Through Data Collection, Measurement and Community.” For more information, please click here.
47th Annual IASSIST Conference: June 7-10
The 47th Annual IASSIST Conference will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden. The conference theme is “Data by Design: Building a Sustainable Data Culture”. For more information, click here.
2022 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting: June 12-15
The 2022 NAPHSIS Annual Meeting will take place in Omaha, NE. The conference theme is “Reunite, Recalibrate, Reignite.” For more information, click here.
Call For Papers: 2022 FCSM Research and Policy Conference: October 25-27, 2022
The 2022 FCSM Research and Policy Conference has been scheduled for October 25-27, 2022. FCSM is now accepting abstracts for the conference. The submission deadline is May 16. The conference is being planned as an in-person event at the Washington Convention Center. For more information, click here.
Agency Releases
Bureau of Economic Analysis (DOC)
- On March 31, GDP by State, 4th Quarter 2021 and Year 2021 (Preliminary) was released. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased in 47 states and the District of Columbia in the fourth quarter of 2021, as real GDP for the nation increased at an annual rate of 6.9 percent. The percent change in real GDP in the fourth quarter ranged from 10.1 percent in Texas to –2.3 percent in Iowa.US International Trade in Goods and Services, December 2021 was released. The goods and services deficit was $80.7 billion in December, up $1.4 billion from $79.3 billion in November, revised.
- On March 15, Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Account, US and States, 2020 was released. Arts and cultural economic activity, adjusted for inflation, decreased 6.4 percent in 2020 after increasing 3.4 percent in 2019. Arts and cultural economic activity accounted for 4.2 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), or $876.7 billion, in 2020.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ)
- On March 24, Statistical Tables for Correctional Populations in the US 2020 were released. At yearend 2020, an estimated 5,500,600 persons were under the supervision of adult correctional systems in the United States, 11% fewer than at the same time the previous year (adjusted for persons on dual correctional statuses). The decline in the correctional population during 2020 was due to decreases in both the community supervision population (down 276,700, or 6.6%) and the incarcerated population (down 294,400, or 18.9%).
- On March 8, National Crime Victimization Survey Redesign Field Test Topline Report: Comparing Condition 1 and Condition 2 by Interleaving Treatment was released. The goals of the instrument redesign were to (1) update the content of the survey, and (2) increase the efficiency of the data collection. This report details the methodology and findings from a large-scale national field test conducted from October 2019 to March 2020 to compare two versions of the core NCVS instrument.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (DOL)
- On March 30, Persons With A Disability: Barriers to Employment, Types of Assistance, and other Labor-Related Issues Summary was released. In July 2021, 43.7 percent of persons with a disability who were not working reported some type of barrier to employment, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This was down from 47.5 percent in July 2019, the last time the supplement was conducted. A person’s own disability, lack of education or training, the need for special features at the job, and lack of transportation were among the barriers reported. Among persons with a disability who were employed, over half experienced some difficulty completing their work duties because of their disability.
- On March 29, Labor Market Experience, Education, Partner Status, and Health for those Born 1980-1984 Summary was released. Americans born in the early 1980s held an average of 8.6 jobs from age 18 through age 34, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These adults held more jobs at younger ages: they held an average of 5.1 jobs from ages 18 to 23, compared with 2.1 jobs from ages 30 to 34. While ages 18 to 34, women with more education held more jobs than women with less education. Regardless of education, men held a similar number of jobs.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (DOT)
- On March 16, US Airline Passengers January 2022 (Preliminary) was released. U.S. airlines carried 46.3 million scheduled service passengers in January 2022 (preliminary), 33.2% more than in January 2021 and 34.0% fewer than in pre-pandemic January 2020, according to data filed with the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) by 23 airlines that carry more than 90% of passengers. Domestic passengers (41.2 million) made up 89% of total enplanements, and international passengers (5.1 million) accounted for 11% of total enplanements.
- On March 10, Full-Year 2021 and December 2021 U.S. Airline Traffic Data was released. U.S. airlines carried 674 million passengers (not seasonally adjusted) in 2021, 82.5% more than in 2020 (369 million, unadjusted). U.S. airline passenger enplanements in 2021 remained 27.3% below pre-pandemic 2019’s 927 million (unadjusted). System-wide 2021 enplanements comprised 612 million passengers on domestic flights and 62 million passengers on international flights (unadjusted).
Census Bureau (DOC)
- On March 24, it was reported that Over Two-Thirds of the Nation’s Counties Had Natural Decrease in 2021. More than 73% (2,297) of U.S. counties experienced natural decrease in 2021, up from 45.5% in 2019 and 55.5% in 2020. Natural decrease occurs when there are more deaths than births in a population over a given time period. In 2021, fewer births, an aging population and increased mortality – intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic–contributed to a rise in natural decrease. The statistics released today include population estimates and components of change for the nation’s 384 metropolitan statistical areas, 543 micropolitan statistical areasand 3,143 counties.
- On March 17, it was announced that the 2020 Census Post-Enumeration Survey Results will be available for 50 States and DC in May. This release includes: 1) Coverage estimates for states: Undercount and overcount rates and components of coverage by state and the District of Columbia (a state equivalent) and 2) National components of coverage: Correct or erroneous enumerations and whole-person imputations by census operation – including internet response mode, and nonresponse follow-up by type of enumeration: by a householder, a proxy respondent, and administrative record enumeration.
Economic Research Service (USDA)
- In March, The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Food-Away-From-Home Spending was released. This paper summarizes national changes in the frequency and dollar amount of U.S. consumers’ food-away-from-home (FAFH) purchases during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis draws on frequently updated proprietary data sources to measure national FAFH trends in average monthly spending and the weekly number of store transactions. Both spending and transactions at restaurants fell substantially following the onset of the pandemic and remained below pre-pandemic levels more than 1 year later.
Energy Information Administration (DOE)
- On March 31, January 2022 Company Level Imports were released. Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in January 2022 show that one country, Canada, exported more than one million barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 86% of United States crude oil imports in January while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 93% of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of U.S. crude oil imports for January were Canada (3.9 million b/d), Mexico (622,000 b/d), Saudi Arabia (485,000 b/d), Iraq (254,000 b/d), and Colombia (194,000 b/d).
- On March 17, the State Energy Portal was updated with analyses and Quick Facts.
National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA)
- On March 31, it was announced that US farmers expect to plant more soybeans and less corn acreage. Producers surveyed across the United States intend to plant a record high 91.0 million acres of soybeans in 2022, up 4% from last year, according to the Prospective Plantings report. Planted acreage intentions for soybeans are up or unchanged in 24 of the 29 estimating states. The largest increases are expected in Illinois and Missouri, where producers in each state intend to plant 400,000 more acres than in 2021.
- On March 16, it was announced that NASS will start to livestream agricultural data briefings, enhancing public access to valuable information. On March 30, USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will livestream the Secretary of Agriculture’s data report briefing for the first time. This and future Secretary data briefings will stream on NASS’s YouTube channelfive minutes after NASS reports are released to the public. This Hogs and Pigs briefing will be live at 3:05 p.m. ET.
National Center for Education Statistics (DOEd)
- On March 16, the 2019 NAEP High School Transcript Study was released. The overall grade point average (GPA) earned by high school graduates increased to 3.11 in 2019, compared to 3.00 in 2009. The percentage of high school graduates who attained a standard curriculum or higher increased across the assessment years. The percentage of high school graduates who did not attain a standard curriculum decreased to 16 percent in 2019, compared to 23 percent in 2009.
- On March 3, the Teachers of Hispanic or Latino Origin: Background and School Settings in 2017‒18 Data Point was released. During school year 2017–18, 9 percent of all teachers were Hispanic. Teachers of all races who noted they were Hispanic are counted as Hispanic for this report. About three-quarters (76 percent) of Hispanic teachers were female. This was the same percentage as for all teachers.
National Center for Health Statistics (CDC)
- On March 22, United States Life Tables, 2019 were released. In 2019, the overall expectation of life at birth was 78.8 years, increasing from 78.7 in 2018. Between 2018 and 2019, life expectancy at birth increased by 0.1 year for males (76.2 to 76.3) and by 0.2 year for females (81.2 to 81.4). In 2019, life expectancy at birth was 85.6 years for the non-Hispanic Asian population, 81.9 years for the Hispanic population, 78.8 years for the non-Hispanic White population, 74.8 years for the nonHispanic Black population, and 71.8 years for the non-Hispanic AIAN population.
- On March 17, Emergency Department Visit Rates by Selected Characteristics: United States, 2019 was released. The overall emergency department (ED) visit rate (47 visits per 100 people in 2019) and visit rates by metropolitan statistical area (MSA) status did not change between 2009 and 2019. The ED visit rate was highest for infants under age 1 year (123 visits per 100 people) followed by adults aged 75 years and over (66 per 100). The ED visit rate for non-Hispanic Black people (87 visits per 100 people) was higher than the rate for people from all other racial and ethnic groups.
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NSF)
- On March 24, an InfoBrief reported that Federal R&D Obligations Increased 18% in 2020; the largest Year-to-Year change since 1963. With a nearly 18% year-to-year change in federal R&D obligations, FY 2020 saw the largest increase since 1963 when federal R&D obligations rose 21.4% and was driven by major increases (97.0% between 1962 and 1963) in R&D obligations from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to support its burgeoning space program. In FY 2020, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) accounted for most of the $25.0 billion increase in R&D from FY 2019, and these increases were mostly for COVID-19 R&D support under Operation Warp Speed (OWS).
- On March 14, an InfoBrief was released which reported the Baccalaureate Origins of US Research Doctorate Recipients. In 2020, just over 34.4% of the 55,283 U.S. research doctorate recipients earned their baccalaureate from a non-U.S. institution. This represented a 4.4% percentage-point increase in the number of doctorate recipients with foreign bachelor’s degrees since 2010 and parallels the growth of temporary visa holders earning doctorates in the United States. Foreign bachelor’s degrees were more common among doctorate recipients in S&E fields than non-S&E fields across all years, accounting for 38.0% of S&E doctorate recipients and 22.2% of non-S&E doctorates in 2020.
Statistics of Income Division (IRS)
- In March, Microdata and Statistical Tables for Private Foundation (Form 990-PF), Tax Year 2018 was released. The microdata are organization-level data from SOI’s annual study of private foundations and charitable trusts. Documentation to assist with the files is included. The four tables include estimates for the number of returns, income statement and balance sheet items, excise tax on net investment income, and charitable distribution information for these organizations. SOI classified the statistics by organization type, operating and grant-making status, and size of fair market value of total assets.
Federal Register Notices
There were 22 federal register notices posted by federal statistical agencies from February 26, 2022 to March 25, 2022. Links to each of these notices are organized by agency below.
Bureau of Economic Analysis (DOC) – No New Notices
Date | Notice | URL |
4/14/2022 | Bureau of Economic Analysis Advisory Committee Meeting | Link |
4/14/2022 | Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee Meeting | Link |
Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ) – 2 New Notices
Census Bureau (DOC) – 9 New Notices
Date | Notice | URL |
4/18/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Household Pulse Survey | Link |
4/15/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey | Link |
4/15/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Addition of Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221 to the Citation of Mandatory Collection Authority for the Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey | Link |
4/15/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; The American Community Survey and Puerto Rico Community Survey | Link |
4/14/2022 | National Advisory Committee | Link |
4/13/2022 | National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations; Charter Renewal | Link |
4/7/2022 | National Advisory Committee | Link |
4/5/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Ask U.S. Panel | Link |
Economic Research Service (USDA) – No New Notices
Energy Information Administration (DOE) – No New Notices
National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA) – 1 New Notice
Date | Notice | URL |
4/1/2022 | Notice of Intent To Request Revision and Extension of a Currently Approved Information Collection – Vegetable Surveys Program | Link |
National Center for Education Statistics (DOEd) – 2 New Notices
Date | Notice | URL |
4/12/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and approval; Comment Request; Private School Universe Survey (PSS) 2023-24 Data Collection, and 2023-24 and 2025-26 PSS Frame Development Activities | Link |
3/29/2022 | Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget for Review and Approval; Comment Request; EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2022-23, 2023-24, and 2024-25 (With 2021-22 Continuation) | Link |
National Center for Health Statistics (HHS) – 1 New Notice
Date | Notice | URL |
4/6/2022 | Board of Scientific Counselors, National Center for Health Statistics (BSC, NCHS) | Link |
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NSF) – 2 New Notices
Date | Notice | URL |
4/22/2022 | Advisory Committee for Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences; Notice of Meeting | Link |
3/30/2022 | Notice of Intent To Renew a Current Information Collection – Higher Education Research and Development Survey | Link |
Office of Research, Evaluation & Statistics (SSA) – No New Notices
Statistics of Income Division (IRS) – No New Notices