FCSM 2021 Conference Program

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Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2021 Research and Policy Conference

FCSM Fall 2021 Program (click to download)

November 2-4, 2021
Virtual Conference

Hosted By: Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics

Plenary Session
Tuesday, November 2nd
8:30 – 9:30 AM

“All the parameters matter!” Privacy as Contextual Integrity for Statistical Reporting

Helen Nissenbaum, Professor of Information Science at Cornell Tech

Dr. Nissenbaum is director of the Digital Life Initiative and Professor of Information Science at Cornell Tech. Her books include Obfuscation: A User’s Guide to Privacy and Protest (with Finn Brunton), Values at Play in Digital Games (with Mary Flanagan), and Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life, where she lays out the theory of contextual integrity. Her research spans topics of privacy, security, accountability, bias, data concentration, and values in design as manifest in digital technologies. Beyond academic publication, Nissenbaum works on free software tools, Adnauseam and TrackMeNot, defending privacy, autonomy, and freedom online. She holds a BA (Hons) in mathematics and philosophy from the University of Witwatersrand and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Stanford University.

Concurrent Session A
Tuesday, November 2nd
10:00 – 11:45 AM

Session A-1: Survey Design Challenges During COVID-19

Session Liaison: Aaron Maitland (National Center for Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Aaron Maitland (National Center for Health Statistics)

Analysis of Open-text Time Reference Web Probes on a COVID-19 Survey
Kristen Cibelli Hibben, Valerie Ryan, Travis Hoppe, Paul Scanlon and Kristen Miller (National Center for Health Statistics)

Applying Client Relationship Management Techniques to an Institutional Contacting Guide Redesign
Robert McCracken, R. Suresh, Brandon Peele, Jason Kennedy, Shawn Cheek, Joe Nofziger (RTI International) and Peter Tice (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Cross Agency Collaboration in the Rapid Development of COVID-19 Questionnaire Items for the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS)
Andrea Mayfield, Kylie Carpenter, Rachel Carnahan, Elise Comperchio and Felicia LeClere (NORC at the University of Chicago)

Missing Price Imputation in the Producer Price Index
Yoel Izsak and Monica Moleres (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: Redesigning for the Future Health Care Landscape
Sonja N. Williams, Jill J. Ashman, and Brian W. Ward (National Center for Health Statistics)

Session A-2: Re-inventing and Integrating Annual Economic Survey Programs at the U.S. Census Bureau

Session Liaison: Scott Boggess, (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Kimberly P. Moore (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Organizer: Diane K. Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Developing an Integrated Annual Survey
Jenna Morse, James Burton, and Kimberly Moore (U.S. Census Bureau)

Aiding a Holistic View of Businesses through Intensive Respondent Research
Diane K. Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)

Determining and Harmonizing Content in Developing the Annual Integrated Economic Survey
Blynda Metcalf, Heidi St. Onge, and Kimberly Moore (U.S. Census Bureau)

Developing a Unified Sample Design for the Integrated Annual Survey
Katherine Jenny Thompson, James Burton, James Hunt, and Amy Newman Smith (U.S. Census Bureau)

Discussant: Edward T. Morgan (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Session A-3: Recent Advances in Disclosure Limitation and Data Privacy

Session Liaison: Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Session Chair: Katherine Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Organizer: Harrison Quick (Drexel University)

Disclosure Limitation in the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries
Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Synthetic Public Use File of Administrative Tax Data: Methodology, Utility, and Privacy Implications
Claire Bowen (Urban Institute)

Accuracy Gains from Privacy Amplification through Sampling for Differential Privacy
Jingchen Hu (Vassar College), Joerg Drechsler (University of Maryland) and Hang J. Kim (University of Cincinnati)

A Latent Class Modeling Approach for DP Synthetic Data Contingency Tables
Andres Felipe Barrientos (Florida State University), Michelle Pistner Nixon (Pennsylvania State University), Jerome P. Reiter (Duke University), and Aleksandra Slavkovic (Pennsylvania State University)

Improving the Utility of Poisson-Distributed, Differentially Private Synthetic Data via Prior Predictive Truncation with an Application to CDC WONDER
Harrison Quick (Drexel University)

Session A-4: Data Quality: Communication of Uncertainty in Official Statistics

Session Liaison: Linda Young (National Agriculture Statistics Service)
Session Chair: John L. Eltinge (United States Census Bureau)

Evaluating Uncertainty in Multiple Dimensions of Data Quality
John L. Eltinge (United States Census Bureau)

More Fully Capturing Uncertainty Associated with Official Estimates
Linda Young (National Agriculture Statistics Service)

Tailored Transparency: Public Trust vs. Reproducibility
Peter V. Miller (Northwestern University and United States Census Bureau (Retired))

Discussant: Jeffrey M. Gonzalez (Economic Research Service)

Session A-5: Using Multiple Survey Modes or Administrative Data to Improve Estimates

Session Liaison: Amy Lauger (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Session Chair: Katie Genadek (U.S. Census Bureau)

It’s All a Matter of Degrees: Comparing Survey and Administrative Educational Attainment Data
Andrew Foote and Larry Warren (U.S. Census Bureau)

Implementing a Multi-Mode Approach to Household Eligibility Screening for 2021- 2022 NHANES
Juliana McAllister, Allan Uribe, Jessica Graber, Denise Schaar, and Chia-Yih Wang (National Center for Health Statistics)

A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Number of Contact Attempts on Response Rates and Web Completion Rates in Multimode Surveys
Ting Yan (Westat)

Discussant: Katie Genadek (U.S. Census Bureau)

Concurrent Session B
Tuesday, November 2nd
1:15 – 3:00 PM

Session B-1: Measuring Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Session Liaison: Doug Williams (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Session Chair: Doug Williams (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Best Practices for Collecting Gender and Sex Data
Wendy Martinez (Bureau of Labor Statistics), Suzanne Thornton (Swarthmore), Dooti Roy, Stephen Perry, Donna LaLonde, Renee Ellis, and David J. Corliss

Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Among College Graduates: Results from a Methodological Experiment Using a Non-Probability Sample
Rebecca L. Morrison (National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics), Jesse Chandler (Mathematica), Flora Lan, and Karen S. Hamrick (National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics)

Assessing Measurement Error in Sex and Gender Identity Measures in an NCES Survey
Elise Christopher (National Center for Education Statistics)

Session B-2: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on National Center for Health Statistics Data Collections

Session Liaison: Jessica Graber (National Center for Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Brian W. Ward (National Center for Health Statistics)

Impact of the Pandemic on National Health Interview Survey Data Collection
Stephen J. Blumberg (National Center for Health Statistics)

COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on the NCHS Provider-Based Sutveys
Carol DeFrances, Brian W. Ward, and Manisha Sengupta (National Center for Health Statistics)

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES): The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Data Collection and Release
Ryne Paulose-Ram, Jessica E. Graber, and Namanjeet Ahluwalia (National Center for Health Statistics)

Expanding the NCHS Research and Development Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jennifer D. Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)

Discussant: Denys T. Lau (National Committee for Quality Assurance)

Session B-3: Sampling & Calibration for Data Versatility

Session Liaison: Laura Tiehen, (Economic Research Service)
Session Chair: Laura Tiehen, (Economic Research Service)

An Easy Way to Calibrate on Partly Known Overlapping Multiple Totals in Frequency Tables with Application to Real Data
Michael Sverchkov (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Designing a Probability Sample to Produce a Large Number of Key Estimate
Philip Kott and Darryl V. Creel (RTI International)

Sample-Based Calibration of Multiple Surveys
Jean Opsomer and Weijia Ren (Westat), John Foster (NOAA)

Sampling and Estimation for Multipurpose Surveys
Yang Cheng, Jeff Bailey, (National Agricultural Statistics Service), Eric Slud (U.S. Census Bureau/University of Maryland) and Lu Chen (National Agricultural Statistics Service and National Institute of Statistical Sciences)

Sampling Using Multiple Measures of Size: A Simulation Study
Tim Keller, Mark Apodaca, Franklin Duan, and Peter Quan (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Session B-4: Equity

Session Liaison: Linda Young (National Agriculture Statistics Service)
Session Chair: Linda Young (National Agriculture Statistics Service)
Organizer: Robert Sivinski (Office of Management and Budget) and Chris Chapman (National Center for Education Statistics)

Policy Review of Initiatives to Improve Equity Information
Jamie Keene, Executive Office of the President

Educational Equity: Identifying and Presenting Information within New Online Resources
Ross Santy, National Center for Education Statistics

Healthy People: Exploring Disparities in the Nation’s Health
David Huang, National Center for Health Statistics

Delivering Equity in Federal Forms and Surveys: LGBTQ+ Data Collection
Amy Paris, Department of Health and Human Services

Session B-5: Topics in Survey Data Quality

Session Liaison: Brett Matsumoto (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Session Chair: Brett Matsumoto (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Survey Isolation during COVID-19: The Effects of Suddenly Relying on Address-Matched Phone Numbers for Interviewing Households
Jonathan Eggleston, Yarissa Gonzalez, Tim Trudell, John Voorheis (U.S. Census Bureau)

The New Non-employer Business Demographics Statistics: Responding to 20th-Century Survey-Based Statistics Challenges while Addressing 21st- Century Needs
Adela Luque, Ken Rinz, James Noon, and Michaela Dillon(U.S. Census Bureau)

Participation Metrics for Accelerometer-Based Research
Christopher Antoun (University of Maryland) and Alexander Wenz (University of Mannheim)

Developing State Personal Income Distribution Statistics
Dirk van Duym and Christian Awuku-Budu (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Concurrent Session C
Tuesday, November 2nd
3:15 – 5:00 PM

Session C-1: Recruiting and Surveying Victims Using Social Media and Online Platforms: Promising Practices and Lessons Learned

Session Liaison: Paul Schroeder (Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics)
Session Chair: Heather Brotsos (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

Evaluating Crime Survey Responses and Engagement among Juveniles and their Parents using Social Media and Online Platforms
Jenna Truman and Grace Kena (Bureau of Justice Statistics) and Chris Krebs (RTI International)

Testing Improvements to the NCVS Hate Crime Items using Online Survey Panels
Grace Kena (Bureau of Justice Statistics), Lynn Langton and Chris Krebs (RTI International)

Using Online Survey Panels to Enhance Identity Theft Measurement
Lynn Langton and Chris Krebs (RTI International), Erika Harrell and Grace Kena (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

Discussant: Heather Warnken (Department of Justice)

Session C-2: Evidence & Data Policy

Session Liaison: Steven Wallander (Economic Research Service)
Session Chair: Steven Wallander (Economic Research Service)

Automated Collection of Publicly Available Data from the Internet
Anup Mathur, Michael Castro, and Sumit Khaneja (U.S. Census Bureau)

Creating Policy Tools for Broadband Subsidy programs: Combining Spatial Regression Discontinuity Designs and Bayesian Wombling
Aritra Halder and Joshua R. Goldstein (University of Virginia), John Pender (Economic Research Service), Devika Mahoney-Nair, Aaron Schroeder, Neil Kattampallil, Stephanie S. Shipp, and Sallie Keller (University of Virginia)

Evidence Act Standard Application Process: Stakeholder Engagement and Observations
Jon Desenberg (The MITRE Corporation), Heather Madray (U.S. Census Bureau), and Sue Collin (The MITRE Corporation)

Six Crises or One Dozen Opportunities in Public-Stewardship Statistics
John Eltinge (U.S. Census Bureau)

Session C-3: Sampling Issues, Estimation, and Testing

Session Liaison: Scott Wentland (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Session Chair: Scott Wentland (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Business Sample Revision Universe Extraction Measure of Size Determination and Validation
Kenishea Donaldson, Katrina Washington, Erica Wong, Olivia Brozek, Jacob Sandruck, Micah Tyler (U.S. Census Bureau)

Influential Unit Treatment in the Annual Survey of Local Government Finances
Noah Bassel (U.S. Census Bureau)

Probabilistic Classification of a Policy Relevant Subpopulation: The Case of High-Tech Start-ups Operating in Innovation Markets
Timothy R. Wojan, Johm Jankowski, Audrey Kindlon (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Roots from Trees: A Machine Learning Approach to Unit Root Decision
Gary Cornwall (Bureau of Economic Analysis), Jeff Chen (University of Cambridge), Beau Sauley (Murray State University)

Understanding the Characteristics of Unresolved Matched Records in Capture- Recapture Methodology
Denise A. Abreu (NASS)

Session C-4: The Standard Application Process: A Coordinated Effort across the Federal Statistical System to Implement an Evidence Act Requirement

Session Liaison: Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Session Chair: John Finamore (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

SAP Pilot: A One-Stop Application Portal
Heather Madray (U.S. Census Bureau)

SAP Policy Guidance Development
Mark Prell (Economic Research Service)

SAP Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach Efforts
Vipin Arora (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

The Fully Functional SAP Portal
John Finamore (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Session C-5: Leveraging Administrative Data for Survey Methods and Research

Session Liaison: Scott Boggess, (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Scott Boggess, (U.S. Census Bureau)

Comparing the 2019 American Housing Survey to Contemporary Sources of Property Tax Records: Implications for Survey Efficiency and Quality
Ariel J. Binder (US Census Bureau), Emily Molfino (Department of Housing and Urban Development) and John Voorheis (US Census Bureau)

Determining Household Obesity Status Using Scanner Data
Elina T. Page, Sabrina K. Young, Megan Sweitzer, and Abigail M. Okrent (Economic Research Service)

Measuring the Distributional Effects of Climate Change and Environmental Injustice with Linked Survey, Census and Administrative Data
John Voorheis (U.S. Census Bureau)

An Evaluation of the Gender Wage Gap by Occupation using Linked Survey and Administrative Data
Brad Foster and Marta Murray-Close (US Census Bureau), Christin Landivar and Mark deWolf (US Department of Labor)

Identifying Undercounted Children Using Birth Records
Gloria Aldana (U.S. Census Bureau)

Concurrent Session D
Wednesday, November 3rd
8:30 – 10:15 AM

Session D-1: Data Collection Challenges During COVID-19

Session Liaison: Valerie Testa (Internal Revenue Service)
Session Chair: Valerie Testa (Internal Revenue Service)

Implications of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the National Public Education Financial Survey (NPEFS) and the School District Finance Survey (F-33)
Stephen Q. Cornman (U.S. Department of Education), Malia Howell, Osei Ampadu, and Stephen Wheeler (U.S. Census Bureau)

Measuring the Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Higher Education R&D Expenditures and Research Space: Experience from Survey Question Development at the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
Michael T. Gibbons (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Patterns of Response During Covid-19 in a National Survey of Businesses: A Look at the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey – Insurance Component (MEPS-IC)
David Kashihara (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

The 2020 COVID-19 Module on the Survey of Graduate Students and Postdocs in Science and Engineering
Caren Arbeit and Pat Green (RTI International) and Mike Yamaner (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Session D-2: Innovations in Health Insurance Data Collection & Measurement Across Federal Surveys

Session Liaison: Victoria Udalova (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Laryssa Mykyta (U.S. Census Bureau)

Two times a charm? Verifying Reports of Uninsurance in a National Survey
Paul Jacobs and Patricia Keenan (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Improving Measurement of VA Health Coverage among Military Veterans on the National Health Interview Survey
Robin A. Cohen and Carla E. Zelaya (National Center for Health Statistics)

Decomposing Data Processing Improvements on Estimates Health Insurance Coverage in the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC)
Laryssa Mykyta, Amy Steinweg, and Katherine Keisler-Starkey (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using Insurance Claims Data in the Medical Price Indexes
Daniel Wang, John Bieler, Brian Parker, Caleb Cho, and Brett Matsumoto (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Discussant: Steven Cohen (RTI)  Paper  Slides

Session D-3: Enhancing Transparency, Reproducibility and Privacy

Session Liaison: Amy Lauger (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Session Chair: Amy O’Hara (Georgetown University)

A Federal Tiered Access Model to Promote Evidence-Based Policymaking
Amy O’Hara and Lahy Amman (Georgetown University)

Sharing Student Data Across Organizational Boundaries Using Secure Multiparty Computation
Stephanie Straus (Georgetown University), David Archer (Galois, Inc.), Amy O’Hara (Georgetown University) and Rawane Issa (Boston University)

The Privacy Paradox: How well do Respondent Attitudes and Concerns about Privacy Predict Privacy-Related Behaviors?
Casey Eggleston, Aleia Clark Fobia, Jennifer Hunter Childs (U.S. Census Bureau)

Discussant: Keenan Dworak-Fisher (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Session D-4: A Call for Federal Statistical Coordination on Climate Change Data Needs

Session Liaison: David Kashihara (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Session Chair: Eileen O’Brien (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Organizer: Eileen O’Brien (National Agricultural Statistics Service)


Session D-5: Data Linkage for Government Health & Safety Statistics: Methods & Applications

Session Liaison: Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Session Chairs: Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Victoria Udalova (U.S. Census Bureau)

Assessing Linkage Eligibility Bias in the National Health Interview Survey
Jonathan Aram, Crescent B. Martin, and Lisa B. Mirel (National Center for Health Statistics)

Using Administrative Data to Supplement and Assess Occupational Health and Safety Statistics
Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Social Determinants of Emergency Department Utilization in Utah
David Powers, Sara Robinson, Edward Berchick, J. Alex Branham, Lucinda Dalzell, Lorelle Dennis, Kristi Eckerson, Alfred Gottschalck, Joanna Motro, John Posey, Andrew Verdon, and Victoria Udalova (U.S. Census Bureau)

Examining Earnings of U.S. Physicians Using Tax Return Information
Victoria Udalova (U.S. Census Bureau)

Concurrent Session E
Wednesday, November 3rd
10:45 – 12:30 PM

Session E-1: Strategies for Recruiting & Identifying Subpopulations

Session Liaison: Doug Williams (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Session Chair: Doug Williams (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Administrative Data Limitations and the Need for Continued Improvement of Face to Face Interviewing for Non-English Speakers in National Surveys
Patricia Goerman (U.S. Census Bureau), Alisu Schoua Glusberg (Research Support Services), and Leticia Fernandez (U.S. Census Bureau)

Hard to Get: Understanding Why People Take Our Surveys
Mina Muller, Seth Messinger and Randall K. Thomas (Ipsos Public Affairs)

Making Data Collection More Efficient? Optimizing Incentives and Reminder Modes
Jerry Timbrook, Antje Kirchner, and Emilia Peytcheva (RTI International)

Recruiting a Probability Sample of 18 year olds for a Longitudinal Study on Interpersonal Violence
David Cantor and Reanne Townsend (Westat)

Using Crowdsourcing for Survey Administration: A Study of Innovation Activity among Individuals
Audrey Kindlon (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics), Jesse Chandler (MPR) and Rebecca Morrison (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Session E-2: Creative Problems in Social Science

Session Liaison: Steven Wallander (Economic Research Service)
Session Chair: Steven Wallander (Economic Research Service)

Assessing the Drivers of U.S. Food Expenditures
Eliana Zeballos, Wilson Sinclair, Timothy Park (Economic Research Service)

Estimation of Deaths among Health Care Personnel (HCP) with COVID-19 using Capture-Recapture Methods — United States, March 17–April 29, 2020
Jennifer Rammon (National Center for Health Statistics), Kerui Xu, Matt Stuckey, Michelle Hughes, Reid Harvey, Sherry Burrer, Sophia Chiu, Jess Rinsky, and Matthew Groenewold (CDC)

Measuring the US Space Economy
Tina Highfill, Annabel Jouard and Connor Franks (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Session E-3: Advances in Disclosure Limitation & Publication Standards

Session Liaison: Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Session Chair: Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Comparative Analysis of Differential Privacy and Swapping Methods In The Context of The U.S. Census
Miranda Christ and Sarah Radway (Columbia University)

Evaluating Publication Rules for the County Agricultural Production Survey Using Simulation
Andrew Dau, Nathan Cruze, Joe Parsons, and Linda Young (NASS)

Posterior Risk and Utility from Private Synthetic Weighted Survey Data
Quentin Brummet (NORC at the University of Chicago) and Jeremy Seeman (Pennsylvania State University)

Private Tabular Survey Data Products through Synthetic Microdata Generation
Terrance Savitsky (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), Matthew Williams (National Science Foundation), and Jingchen Hu (Vassar College)

Session E-4: Communicating Fitness for Use

Session Liaison: Jessica Graber (National Center for Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)

Using Data Visualizations, Short Articles, and Social Media to Communicate Complex Data Simply
Jay Meisenheimer (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Journalists Communicating Statistical Information
Regina Nuzzo (American Statistical Association)

Short Communication as a Medium: Is Engagement a Substitute for Efficacy?
Travis Hoppe (National Center for Health Statistics)

Discussant: G. David Williamson (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Session E-5: Collecting Spending Data during a Pandemic – an Evaluation of Quality and Response in the Consumer Expenditure Surveys

Session Liaison: Scott Boggess, (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Laura Erhard (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

An Examination of Nonresponse Bias in the Consumer Expenditures Survey during the COVID-19 Period
Stephen Ash, Brian Nix, Barry Steinberg, and David Swanson (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey: Data Quality Assessment Pre vs. Post COVID-19
Yezzi Angi Lee and David Biagas (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Evaluating Diary Collection Mode Changes in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Brett McBride and Nikki Graf (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

COVID-19’s Effect on the Consumer Expenditure Surveys’ Estimates
Scott Curtin, Bryan Rigg, and Brett Creech (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Discussant: Stephanie Eckman (RTI)

Concurrent Session F
Wednesday, November 3rd
1:45 – 3:30 PM

Session F-1: Supplementing data collection and research at the National Center for Health Statistics using the Research and Development Survey

Session Liaison: Jessica Graber (National Center for Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Katherine Irimata (National Center for Health Statistics)

Introduction to the Research and Development Survey and Calibration Approaches for Panel Surveys
Katherine Irimata (National Center for Health Statistics)

An Overview of the 2019 Research and Development Survey (RANDS)
Li-Yen Rebecca Hu, Yulei He, Paul Scanlon, Kristen Miller, Katherine Irimata, Guangyu Zhang, and Kristen Cibelli Hibben (National Center for Health Statistics)

Comparison of Mental Health Estimates by Sociodemographic Characteristics in the Research and Development Survey and National Health Interview Survey, 2019
Leanna Moron, Katherine Irimata, and Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)

Estimates from Selected Variables in Three Rounds of RANDS during COVID-19 Pandemic
Rong Wei, Yulei He, Van Parsons, and Paul Scanlon (National Center for Health Statistics)

Discussant: Michael Yang (NORC at the University of Chicago)

Session F-2: From Data Collection to Estimation: Highlights of Survey Lifecycle Issues from FoodAPS

Session Liaison: Paul Schroeder (Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics)
Session Chair: Joseph Rodhouse (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Is “Proof of Purchase” Really Proof?
Adam Kaderabek and Brady T. West, (University of Michigan), John A. Kirlin (Kirlin Analytic Services), Elina T. Page and Jeffrey M. Gonzalez (Economic Research Service)

Usability Evaluation of Smartphone-based Data Collection Instrument
Lin Wang, Anthony Schulzetenberg, and Alda G. Rivas, (U.S. Census Bureau) Heather Ridolfo (National Agricultural Statistical Service) and Shelley Feuer (U.S. Census Bureau)

Examination of the Data Quality Properties of USDA and Proprietary Databases with Information on Food Item and Food Retailers to Reduce Nonsampling Errors in FoodAPS-2
Clare Milburn (The George Washington University) and Jeffrey M. Gonzalez, Linda Kantor and Elina T. Page (Economic Research Service)

Using the Weighted Finite Population Bayesian Bootstrap to Account for Complex Sample Design Features when Estimating State- and Sub-State-Level Food Insecurity Prevalence
Katherine Li , Yajuan Si and Brady T. West (University of Michigan), John A. Kirlin (Kirlin Analytic Services), Xingyou Zhang (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Discussant: Stephanie Zimmer (RTI International)

Session F-3: Privacy and Sample Surveys

Session Liaison: Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Session Chair: Rolando A. Rodríguez (U.S. Census Bureau)

Adapting Surveys for Formal Privacy: Where We Are, Where We Are Heading
Aref Dajani (U.S. Census Bureau)

Controlling Privacy Loss in Survey Sampling
Mark Bun (Boston University), Joerg Drechsler (University of Maryland) Marco Gaboardi (Boston University) Audra McMillan (Apple), and Jayshree Sarathy (Harvard University)

Leveraging Public Data for Practical Private Query Release
Terrance Liu (Carnegie Mellon University), Giuseppe Vietri (University of Minnesota), Thomas Steinke (Google), Jonathan Ullman (Northeastern University), and Steven Wu (Carnegie Mellon University)

Discussant: Jerry Reiter (Duke University)

Session F-4: Considerations for Calculating and Communicating the Value of Federal Statistics

Session Liaison: David Kashihara (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Session Chair: Jonathan Auerbach (George Mason University)
Session Organizer: Steve Pierson (American Statistical Association)

Panel Discussion: Reflections on Census Quality Indicators Taskforce

  • Connie Citro – Senior Scholar, Committee on National Statistics
  • Julia Lane – NYU and Cofounder, Coleridge Initiative
  • Joseph Salvo – Institute Fellow, Social and Data Analytics Division, University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute; Senior Advisor, National Conference on Citizenship

Discussant: Andrew Reamer – Research Professor, George Washington Institute of Public Policy, George Washington University

Session F-5: Web Scraping

Session Liaison: Maura Bardos (U.S. Energy Information Administration)
Session Chair: Maura Bardos (U.S. Energy Information Administration)

Detecting and Measuring Product Innovation in News Articles Using Natural Language Processing Methods
Gizem Korkmaz and Neil Alexander Kattampallil (University of Virginia) and Gary Anderson (National Science Foundation)

Machine-Learning Based Identification of Emerging Research Topics Using Research & Development Administrative Data
Eric J. Oh, Kathryn Linehan, Joel Thurston, Stephanie Shipp, and Sallie Keller, (University of Virginia) and John Jankowski, Audrey Kindlon (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Using Web Scraping and Network Analysis to Study International Collaboration in Open Source Software
Brandon Kramer, Gizem Korkmaz, José Bayoán Santiago Calderón, and Carol Robbins (University of Virginia)

Progress in the Use of Web-Scraped List Frames and Capture-Recapture Methods: Insights from a National Farmers Markets Managers Survey
Michael Jacobsen, Linda J. Young (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Using a Web-Scraped List Frame for an Agricultural Survey
Habtamu Benecha (National Agricultural Statistics Service), Bruce A. Craig (Purdue University), Grace Yoon, Zachary Terner, Denise A. Abreu, Linda J. Young (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Concurrent Session G
Wednesday, November 3rd
3:45 – 5:30 PM

Session G-1: Reply YES to Innovate: Text Messages for Federal Surveys

Session Liaison: Stephanie Coffey (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Maura Spiegelman (National Center for Education Statistics)

Texting Interviewers to Encourage Proper Protocols in the Survey of Income and Program Participation
Kevin Tolliver (U.S. Census Bureau)

How Should We Text You? Designing and Testing Text Messages for the 2021-22 Teacher Follow-Up Survey (TFS) and Principal Follow-Up Survey (PFS)
Jonathan Katz, Kathleen Kephart, Jasmine Luck, and Jessica Holzberg (U.S. Census Bureau)

Yes, I consent to receive text messages: Conducting follow-up text surveys with principals and teachers
Maura Spiegelman (National Center for Education Statistics) and Allison Zotti (U.S. Census Bureau)

The Future of SMS and Email in Federal Surveys
Jennifer Hunter Childs (U.S. Census Bureau)

Discussant: Frederick Conrad (University of Michigan)

Session G-3: Statistical Methods for Improving Small Domain and Key Survey Estimates

Session Liaison: Stephanie Coffey (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Stephanie Coffey (U.S. Census Bureau)

A Practical Framework for Area-Level Small Area Estimation
Stephanie Zimmer, Dan Liao, Rachel Harter, Amang Sukasih, Jeniffer Iriondo-Perez, and Marcus Berzofsky (RTI International)

Using American Community Survey Data to Improve Estimates from Smaller U. S. Surveys through Bivariate Small Area Estimation Models
William R. Bell and Carolina Franco (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using Bayesian Regression Models in Small Sample Size Contexts to Support System- Level Education Decision-Making
Bradley Rentz and Christina Tydeman (REL Pacific at McREL International)

Utilizing Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey to Improve Small Domain Estimation (SDE) in the Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS)
Xingyou Zhang, Erin McNulty, Ellen Galantucci, Patrick Kim, Joan Coleman, and Tom Kelly (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Statistical Data Integration using Multilevel Models to Predict Employee Compensation
Andreea L. Erciulescu, Jean D. Opsomer, and Benjamin J. Schneider (Westat)

Session G-4: Data Quality-Nonresponse Bias

Session Liaison: Tiandong Li (Health Resources and Services Administration)
Session Chair: Tiandong Li (Health Resources and Services Administration)

2017 Census of Agriculture Non-Response Sample
Mark Apodaca, Peter Quan, Franklin Duan, and Tim Keller (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Subsampling to reduce nonresponse bias in FoodAPS: A Simulation Study
Jeffrey Gonzalez (Economic Research Service), Joseph Rodhouse and Darcy Miller (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Using process data to study interviewer effects on measurement error and nonresponse in the Consumer Expenditure Survey
John Dixon and Erica Yu (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Who’s Left Out?: Nonresponse Bias Assessment for an Online Probability-based Panel Recruitment
Frances Barlas and Randall K. Thomas (Ipsos)

Session G-5: Science and Engineering Indicators: Measuring S&E Education, Work Force, and Research Output

Session Liaison: Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Session Chair: Karen White (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Publications Output: U.S. Trends and International Comparisons
Karen White (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Science and Engineering Indicators Academic Research and Development
Josh Trapani (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Science and Engineering Indicators: Trends in U.S. Elementary and Secondary STEM Education
Susan Rotermund (RTI) and Amy Burke (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

The STEM Workforce of Today: Scientists, Engineers and Skilled Technical Workers
Abigail Okrent and Amy Burke (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Discussant: Megan Fasules (Micronomics)

Concurrent Session H
Thursday, November 4th
8:30 – 10:15 AM

Session H-1: Data Collection in the Post-Pandemic Era

Session Liaison: Linda Young (National Agriculture Statistics Service)
Session Chair: Linda Young (National Agriculture Statistics Service)

Adapting Data Collection in a Pandemic – What adaptations will endure?
Barbara R. Rater (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Beyond the Pandemic: Building New Programs at BTS
Rolf Schmitt (Bureau of Transportation Statistics)

COVID-19 Effects on the Health of Education Data and Implications for Future Education Data Collection
Chris Chapman (National Center for Education Statistics)

Session H-2: Using Administrative Data to Examine Food Assistance Program Effectiveness

Session Liaison: Paul Schroeder (Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics)
Session Chair: Laura Tiehen (Economic Research Service)

Estimating SNAP Eligibility and Access Using Linked Survey and Administrative Records
Renuka Bhaskar, Brad Foster, Brian Knop, and Maria Perez-Patron (U.S. Census Bureau)

Assessing SNAP Unit Simulations with Linked Survey and Administrative Data
Karen Cunnyngham and John Czajka (Mathematica Policy Research)

Investigating the Factors Behind High SNAP Participation Rate Estimates using Linked SNAP Administrative Data, CPS ASEC Data, and TRIM3 Microsimulation Model Estimates
Laura Wheaton (Urban Institute), Nancy Wemmerus and Tom Godfrey (Decision Demographics)

Using Administrative Data to Examine Cross-program Participation in SNAP and WIC
Leslie Hodges and Laura Tiehen (Economic Research Service)

Discussant: Constance Newman (USDA)

Session H-3: Modernizing Data Dissemination

Session Liaison: Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Session Chair: Joseph L. Parsons (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Moving to a More User Centered Design for Data Dissemination at the US Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service
Bryan Combs, Jackie Ross, Elvera Gleaton, and King Whetstone (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Modernizing Data Dissemination at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Clayton Waring (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Developing an enterprise-wide dissemination program at the U.S. Census Bureau
Dr. Zachary Whitman (U.S. Census Bureau)

Discussant: Dr. Cynthia Parr (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Session H-5: Assessing & Improving the Quality of Prescription Drug Data from Surveys

Session Liaison: Jessica Graber (National Center for Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Sharon Arnold (Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning & Evaluation)
Organizer: Steven C. Hill (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Improving Self-Reported Prescription Medicine Data Quality with a Commercial Database Lookup Tool and Claims Matching
Kali Defever, Becky Reimer, Michael Trierweiler, and Elise Comperchio (NORC at the University of Chicago)

Exploring Potential Benefits of Enumerating All Prescribed Medicines as a Tool for Estimating Opioid Use in the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS)
Becky Reimer, Elise Comperchio, Andrea Mayfield, and Jennifer Titus (NORC at the University of Chicago)

Evaluating Alternative Benchmarks to Improve Identification of Outlier Drug Prices for MEPS Prescribed Medicines Data Editing
Yao Ding, Steven C. Hill, and G. Edward Miller (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Discussant: Geoffrey Paulin (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Concurrent Session I
Thursday, November 4th
10:30 – 12:15 PM

Session I-1: Survey Design & Measurement

Session Liaison: Yang Cheng (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Session Chair: Tim Trudell (U.S. Census Bureau)

Blind to the Consequences of Measurement?: Response Format Effects on Self- Reported Disability
Megan A. Hendrich, Randall K. Thomas, and Frances M. Barlas (Ipsos Public Affairs)

Evaluating the National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Grain Stocks Program: Results from Behavior Coding
Ashley Thompson and Heather Ridolfo (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Examining Proxy Response Bias in a Large-Scale Survey of People with Disabilities
Eric Grau and Jason Markesich( Mathematica, Inc.)

Integrating Previously Reported Data into The Census of Agriculture
Gavin Corral, Greg Lemmons, Linda J. Young, and Denise Abreu (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Session I-3: Price Indices and Consumer Demand

Session Liaison: William Hahn (Economic Research Service)
Session Chair: William Hahn (Economic Research Service)

Consumer Prices During a Stay-In-Place Policy: Theoretical Inflation for Unavailable Products
Rachel Soloveichik (Bureau of Economic Analysis)

Democratic Aggregation: Issues and Implications for Consumer Price Indexes
Robert Martin (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Session I-4: A Discussion of the Final Report of the Interagency Technical Working Group on Evaluating Alternative Measures of Poverty

Session Liaison: Paul Schroeder (Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics)
Session Chair and Organizer: Kevin Corinth (University of Chicago)



Session I-5: Machine Learning Applications

Session Liaison: Pam McGovern (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Session Chair: Nathan Cruze (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Machine Learning Assisted Complex Survey Weights
Stas Kolenikov (Abt Associates)

Using machine-learning algorithms to improve imputation in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chandler McClellan, Emily Mitchell, Jerrod Anderson, and Samuel Zuvekas (AHRQ)

An Overview of Business Establishment Automated Classification of NAICS (BEACON) for the Economic Census
Daniel Whitehead and Brian Dumbacher (U.S. Census Bureau)

Supplementing Cognitive Interviewing with Natural Language Processing Approaches from Data Science
Katherine Blackburn, Peter Baumgartner, Stephanie Eckman, David Henderson, Y. Patrick Hsieh, Patricia Green (RTI International) and Kelly Kang (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

For What It’s Worth: Measuring Land Value in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning
Scott Wentland and Gary Cornwall (Bureau of Economic Analysis), and Jeremy Moulton (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)

Concurrent Session J
Thursday, November 4th
1:30 – 3:15 PM

Session J-1: Modernizing Federal Survey Data Collections through Modularized Design

Session Liaison: Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Session Chair: Jennifer Sinibaldi (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

NCSES’ BAA Program and Emphasis on Modular Design Research
Jennifer Sinibaldi (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Investigating Modular Designs for the Survey of Doctorate Recipients
Ai Rene Ong (University of Michigan)

Developing and Evaluating Methodology for Split Questionnaire Design in the National Survey of College Graduates
Andy Peytchev (RTI)

Co-Designing a Smartphone App with Target Audience Members
Chris Antoun (University of Maryland)

Session J-2: Perseverance & Resilience: The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey in the Pandemic

Session Liaison: Tiandong Li (Health Resources and Services Administration)
Session Chair: Brad Edwards (Westat)

Managing Survey Change during the Pandemic
Brad Edwards and Rick Dulaney (Westat)

Assessment of the effects of COVID-19 on data collected by the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Alisha Creel, Ralph Digaetano, Hanyu Sun, Alixis Kokaska, and David Cantor (Westat)

From One, Many: Hatching a Multimode, Multiple-Respondent Supplement via a Household Interview
Darby Steiger and Angie Kistler (Westat) and Sandra Decker (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Interviewer Training for Classroom versus Distance Learning: Initial Skill Gains and Measures of Drift
Hanyu Sun. Angie Kistler, Ryan Hubbard, Brad Edwards, and Marcia Swinson-Vick (Westat)

Discussant: Joel Cohen (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)

Session J-3: After the Fact – Data Revision, Imputation, and Analysis Methods

Session Liaison: Richard Kluckow (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Session Chair: Richard Kluckow (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

A Kriging Approach for Representing Crop Progress and Condition at Small Domains
Arthur Rosales (NASS)

Coming Clean: Does Data Cleaning Reduce or Increase Bias in Sub-groups?
Randall K. Thomas, Frances M. Barlas, and Megan Hendrich (Ipsos Public Affairs)

Growing a Modern Edit and Imputation System
Darcy Miller, Vito Wagner, Travis Smith, Jeff Beranek, Lori Harper, Pamela Coleman, Karl Brown, James Johanson, and Megan Lipke (NASS)

How Large are Long-run Revisions to U.S. Labor Productivity?
Peter B. Meyer (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), Kendra Asher (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis), John Glaser, Jay Stewart and Jerin Verghese (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Session J-5: The Reporting, Analysis, and Mitigation of Nonresponse Bias in Federal Surveys

Session Liaison: Maura Bardos (U.S. Energy Information Administration)
Session Chair: Stephen Blumberg (National Center for Health Statistics)

A Systematic Review of Nonresponse Bias Studies in Federally Sponsored Surveys
Tala H. Fakhouri (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), Jennifer Madans (National Center for Health Statistics), Peter Miller (U.S. Census Bureau) Morgan Earp (National Center for Health Statistics), Kathryn Downey Piscopo (US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), Steven M. Frenk (National Institutes of Health), and Elise Christopher (National Center for Education Statistics)

FCSM Best Practices for Nonresponse Bias Reporting
Morgan Earp (National Center for Health Statistics), Jennifer Madans (National Center for Health Statistics), Elise Christopher (National Center for Education Statistics), Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau), Tala Fakhouri (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), Robert Sivinski (Office of Management and Budget), Kathryn Downey Piscopo (US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration), Joseph Schafer (U.S. Census Bureau), and Stephen Blumberg (National Center for Health Statistics)

Nonresponse Bias Analysis Methods: A Taxonomy and Summary
James Wagner (University of Michigan)

Nonresponse Bias Mitigation Strategies
Andy Peytchev (RTI)

Discussant: Robert Sivinski (Office of Management and Budget

Concurrent Session K
Thursday, November 4th
3:30 – 5:15 PM

Session K-1: Previously Reported Data & Dependent Interviewing in Official Statistics: Existing Practices & New Findings

Session Liaison: Scott Wentland (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Session Chair: Jeffrey M. Gonzalez (Economic Research Service)
Organizer: Joseph Rodhouse (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Displaying Previously Reported Data to Respondents in the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages Program at the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Emily Thomas (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

Testing Dependent Interviewing on a Self-Administered Survey
Jennifer Sinibaldi (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)

Evaluating Previously Reported Data in the Census of Agriculture: Results from Usability Testing
Heather Ridolfo and Kenneth Pick (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Utilizing Respondents’ Previously Reported Data in a Census of Establishments: Results from an Experiment in the Census of Agriculture’s 2020 Content Test
Joseph Rodhouse, Kathy Ott and Zachary Terner (National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Discussant: Matt Jans (ICF)

Session K-4: Academic-Statistical Agency Collaboratives to Create Data Infrastructure for Evidence-Building

Session Liaison: Paul Schroeder (Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics)
Session Chair: Maggie Levenstein (ICPSR)

Re-Engineering Statistics using Economic Transactions (RESET)
Matthew D. Shapiro, Gabriel Ehrlich, and David Johnson (University of Michigan), John Haltiwanger (U of Maryland), and Ron Jarmin (U.S. Census Bureau)

Criminal Justice Administrative Records System: A Collaborative Approach to Building Next Generation Criminal Justice Data Infrastructure
Michael Mueller-Smith (University of Michigan) and Keith Finlay (U.S. Census Bureau)

Decennial Census Digitization and Linkage Project
Katherine Genadek (U.S. Census Bureau) and J. Trent Alexander (University of Michigan)

Agricultural and Food Data Systems for 2021 and Beyond
Brent Hueth (Economic Research Service) and Mark Denbaly (Economic Research Service)

Discussant: Daniel Goroff (Sloan Foundation)

Session K-5: Leveraging Data Science to Improve Survey Operations

Session Liaison: David Kashihara (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Session Chair: Carla Medalia (U.S. Census Bureau)

Machine Learning and the Commodity Flow Survey
Christian Moscardi (U.S. Census Bureau)

Parsing the Code of Federal Regulations for the Commodity Flow Survey’s Hazardous Materials Supplement
Krista Chan and Christian Moscardi (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using PDF Extraction and Web Scraping Tools to Collect Government Health Insurance Plan Information
Virginia Gwengi (U.S. Census Bureau)

Using Open Source Tools to Build a Custom Data Entry Application for Creating Truth Data
Cecile Murray and Katie Genadek (U.S. Census Bureau)

Discussant: Kevin Deardorff (U.S. Census Bureau)