Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology 2020 Research and Policy Conference
DRAFT Program (click to download)
April 14 – 16, 2020
Plenary Session
Concurrent Session A Concurrent Session G
Concurrent Session B Concurrent Session H
Concurrent Session C Concurrent Session I
Concurrent Session D Concurrent Session J
Concurrent Session E Concurrent Session K
Concurrent Session F Concurrent Session L
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Rooms 146A and 146B and 146C
Keynote Speech: How Can We Increase Upwards Mobility in the US? Turning Data to Evidence
Keynote Speaker: John Friedman (Brown University)
10:00 – 11:45 a.m.
Expanded Access and Issues with Administrative Data
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer: David Kashihara (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Session Chair: Jeffrey Gonzalez (Economic Research Service)
An Approach to Tiered Access in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Michael Schwaber (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
Ethical Principles for the All Data Revolution – Repurposing Administrative and Opportunity Data
Stephanie S. Shipp, Sallie Keller, and Aaron Schroeder (University of Virginia)
Integrating Survey and Administrative Data Across Sources and Across Agencies to Create Statistical Products: A Case Study from Education
Sarah Grady (National Center for Education Statistics) and Emily Isenberg (American Institutes for Research)
Moving from Field Agents to Data Extracts: Anticipated Challenges and Benefits of Administrative Court Data
Suzanne M. Strong (U.S. Department of Justice), KiDeuk Kim (Urban Institute), Cynthia Lee (National Center for State Courts)
Innovation in Health Insurance Data Collection
Location: Rooms 146B
Organizer and Chair: Laryssa Mykyta (U.S. Census Bureau)
The Effect of Data Processing Improvements on Estimates of Health Insurance Coverage in the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (CPS ASEC)
Edward Berchick, Heide Jackson and Laryssa Mykyta (U.S. Census Bureau)
Two Times a Charm? Verifying Reports of Uninsurance in a National Survey
Paul D. Jacobs and Patricia Keenan (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Improving Measurement of VA Health Coverage among Military Veterans on the National Health Interview Survey
Robin A. Cohen and Carla E. Zelaya (National Center for Health Statistics)
Using Insurance Claims Data in the Medical Price Indexes
John Bieler, Brian Parker and Daniel Wang (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Discussant: Steven B. Cohen (Vice President, Statistical and Data Sciences, RTI International)
New Findings on Wealth of U.S. Households
Location: Rooms 146C
Organizer: Andrew White (National Center for Education Statistics)
Pathways to Jobs in the Skilled Technical Workforce
J. Bayoan Santiago Calderon, Vicki Lancaster, and Sarah McDonald (University of Virginia)
Demand and Supply of Skilled Technical Workers
J. Bayoan Santiago Calderon, Vicki Lancaster,and Sarah McDonald (University of Virginia)
John Finamore (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
A Task-based Approach to Constructing Occupational Categories with Implications for Empirical Research in Labor Economics
Julia Manzella, Gary Benedetto and Evan Totty (U.S. Census Bureau)
High-School Dropout: Current Knowledge, Implications for Practice, and Future Directions
Burhan Ogut, Ruhan Circi and Nevin Dizdari (American Institutes for Research)
Bayesian Estimation of Program Effects and Their Heterogeneity between Programs in the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants
Stas Kolenikov and David Judkins (Abt Associates)
The Evidence Act 101
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Keenan Dworak-Fisher (Office of Management and Budget)
Moderator: Katharine Abraham (University of Maryland)
- Diana Epstein (Office of Management and Budget)
- Sharon Boivin (Department of Education)
- Monique Eleby (U.S. Census Bureau)
Discussant: Emilda Rivers (Statistical Official, National Science Foundation and Director of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Census 2020 Update
Location: Rooms: 147AB
Organizer: Gina Walejko (U.S. Census Bureau)
2020 Census Self-Response Operations: Status Update One Month Into Data Collection
Michael Bentley (U.S. Census Bureau)
2020 Census Real-Time Analysis of Data
Sarah Konya (U.S. Census Bureau)
The 2020 Census Integrated Partnership and Communications Program in Action: Shape Your Future. START HERE.
Monica Vines (U.S. Census Bureau)
Mail Experiments During the 2020 Census
Julia Coombs (U.S. Census Bureau)
Concurrent Session B
Tuesday, April 14th
1:15 – 3:00 p.m.
Advances for Record Linkage for Science and Policy
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Jennifer Sinibaldi (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Advancing Survey Data for Research and Evaluation on Scientific Productivity
Wan-Ying Chang (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Constructing Patent Citations Networks of NSF Awards
Nicholas Daly (National Science Foundation)
Pre-Decisional Management of Overlapping Proposals at Funding Agencies
George Santangelo (National Institutes of Health)/p>
Bayesian Record Linkage with Clustered Sub-Models (BRACS)
Jody Heck Wortman (Democratic NationalCommittee)
Discussant: Matthew Williams (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
Privacy in the American Community Survey
Location: Room 146B
Organizer: Rolando Rodriguez (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Michael Hawes (U.S. Census Bureau)
A Roadmap for Privacy in the American Community Survey
Rolando Rodríguez (U.S. Census Bureau)
Evaluation and Tuning Insights from the ACS Fully Synthetic Data
Christine Task (Knexus Research Corporation)
Strengthening Privacy Protections in the American Community Survey – Lessons from the SIPP Synthetic Beta
Joanna Motro and Jordan Stanley (U.S. Census Bureau)/p>
Challenges with Differential Privacy for Complex, Multi-stage Surveys
Chris Clifton (Purdue University), Eric Hanson (Brandeis University), Keith Merrill (Brandeis University), and Shawn Merrill (Purdue University)/p>
How to Inform with Statistics: Recent Advances in Communicating Research Findings
Location: Room 146C
Organizer: Ignacio Martinez (Google)
Session Chair: Thomas Wei (Institute of Education Sciences)
The Challenges of Communicating Statistics to the Public: a Case Study of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics
Winny Nekesa Akullo (IASSIST, Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority – Uganda)
Speaking on Data’s Behalf: What Researchers Say Affects How Audiences Choose
CDan Thal (Mathematica)
Bayesian Interpretation of Estimates (BASIE): A More Intuitive Way to Communicate Impact Findings than ‘Statistical Significance’
John Deke (Mathematica)
Applying the BASIE Framework to Interpret Democracy Prep Charter Schools’ Impact on Civic Participation
Mariel Finucane (Mathematica)
Discussant: Thomas Wei (Institute of Education Sciences)
Implementing the Evidence Act: The Journey thus Far and the Road Ahead!
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Joe Parsons (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Moderator: Hubert Hamer, Administrator, (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
- Ted Kaouk (Chief Data Officer, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
- William W. Beach (Statistical Officer, U.S. Department of Labor and Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Kelly Bidwell (Evaluation Officer and Statistical Official, General Services Administration)
- Samuel C. “Chris” Haffer (Chief Data Officer, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- Matt Greene (Deputy Chief DataOfficer for Governance, U.S. Department of Education)
Working with Non-Probability Samples
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Tiandong Li (Health Resources and Services Administration)
Estimation of Population Characteristics from Web and Traditional Probability Samples in Case of Large Number of Potential Covariates
Vladislav Beresovsky (National Center for Health Statistics)
Adjusting for National Coverage and Selection Bias in Two Nonprobability Health Surveys: The Effect of Weighting Methods
Davia Moyse, Yangyang Deng, Matt Jans (ICF), Scott Worthge (Quest Mindshare), Sara Chung and Laura O’Campo (MFour)
Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples using Propensity Modeling and Small Area Estimation
Nadarajasundaram Ganesh, Edward Mulrow, Michael Yang and Vicki Pineau (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Can Sample Surveys from Online Panels Support Evidence-Based Policy-Making Decisions?
Mansour Fahimi and Frances M. Barlas (Ipsos Public Affairs)
Is Panel Conditioning a Concern with Online Probability-based Panels?
Frances M. Barlas, Mansour Fahimi and RandallvK. Thomas (Ipsos Public Affairs)
Concurrent Session C
Tuesday, April 14th
3:15 – 5:00 p.m.
Leveraging Administrative Data
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Erik Scherpf (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Using Administrative Records Data to Produce Business Statistics: The Nonemployer Statistics by Demographics Series (NES-D)
Adela Luque (U.S. Census Bureau)
Incorporating Administrative Data in Survey Weights for the Survey of Income and Program Participation
Ashley Westra and Jonathan Eggleston (U.S. Census Bureau)
The Impact of an Improved Sampling Frame – the 2018 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses
Tiandong Li (Health Resources and Services Administration)
Blending Administrative Data with a Probability Sample of Nonparticipants to Produce National Estimates: The NCS-X NIBRS Estimation Project
Marcus Berzofsky, Dan Liao (RTI International) and Alexia Cooper (Bureau of Justice Statistics) and Alexia Cooper (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
Characterizing Federal Funding of Research and Development Using Administrative Data
Samantha Cohen (University of Virginia), Sean Pietrowicz (University of Notre Dame) and Joel Thurston (University of Virginia)
Applications of Machine Learning to
Enhance Federal Statistics
Location: Room 146B
Organizer: Tala Fakhouri (National Center for Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Khair ElZarrad (Deputy Director of the Office of Medical Policy at the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research)
Using Machine Learning to Improve Forecast Accuracy
Gianna Short (Economic Research Service)
Detecting Pharmaceutical Innovations in Text-Based Data Using Machine Learning
Gizem Korkmaz (University of Virginia), Gary Anderson (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics), Devika Nair, Neil Kattampallil and Sallie Keller (University of Virginia)
Predicting Population or Subpopulation Estimates Using Machine Learning Algorithms: An Application using Survey and Administrative Records Data
Harold Gomes (Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland)
A Data-Driven Method of Specifying Efficient Blocking Schemes for Record Linkage
Dean Resnick (NORC), Marc Roemer (National Center for Health Statistics), Scott Campbell (NORC) and Lisa Mirel (National Center for Health Statistics)
Exploring Non-Traditional Statistical Methods as Ways to Address Cultural, Social, and Linguistic Biases
Bradley Rentz (REL Pacific at McREL International) and Christina Tydeman (REL Pacific at McREL International, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Planning and Evaluation)
How to Inform with Statistics: Recent Advances in Communicating Research Findings
Location: Room 146C
Organizer: Ignacio Martinez (Google)
Session Chair: Thomas Wei (Institute of Education Sciences)
The Challenges of Communicating Statistics to the Public: a Case Study of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics
Winny Nekesa Akullo (IASSIST, Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority – Uganda)
Speaking on Data’s Behalf: What Researchers Say Affects How Audiences Choose
CDan Thal (Mathematica)
Bayesian Interpretation of Estimates (BASIE): A More Intuitive Way to Communicate Impact Findings than ‘Statistical Significance’
John Deke (Mathematica)
Applying the BASIE Framework to Interpret Democracy Prep Charter Schools’ Impact on Civic Participation
Mariel Finucane (Mathematica)
Discussant: Thomas Wei (Institute of Education Sciences)
Using Data in New Ways: Leveraging the Evidence Act to Coordinate Evaluation, Statistics and Policy
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Erica Zielewski (Office of Management and Budget)
Session Chair: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Framing the Evidence Act’s Vision for Coordination and Collaboration
Erica Zielewski (Office of Management and Budget)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Experience Supporting and Enhancing its Data Infrastructure and Use
Calvin Johnson (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Linking State Medicaid Data and Child Welfare Data for Outcomes Research (ASPE and ACF/HHS)
Valeria Butler (Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families)
Department of Labor’s Data Exchange and Analysis Platform (DEAP)
Christina Yancey (Chief Evaluation Officer, Department of Labor), David Judkins (Abt Associates) and Scott Gibbons (Department of Labor)
Reducing Barriers to Researcher Access
Location: Room 147AB
Moderator: Michael Hawes (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Molly Dahl (Senior Advisor, Congressional Budget Office)
- Peter Meyer (Senior Fellow, Health Care Programs, NORC at the University of Chicago and U.S. Office of Management and Budget)
- Kristen Monaco (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Barbara Downs (U.S. Census Bureau)/li>
- Margaret Levenstein (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research [ICPSR], University of Michigan)
8:30 AM – 10:15 AM
Location: Rooms 146A and 146B and 146C
Session Title: Artificial Intelligence in Government
Moderator: Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland)
- Paco Nathan (Derwen, Inc.)
- Charles Romaine (National Institute of Science and Technology)
- Eric Ewing (GSA: Director Al Center of Intelligence)
Concurrent Session D
Wednesday, April 15th
8:30 AM – 10:15 AM
Challenges and Advances in Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Federal Surveys: Best Practices, Recent Findings, and Public Use
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Nancy Bates(U.S. Census Bureau)
Improving Measurement of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Federal Statistical System
Sylvia Fisher (Health Resources and Services Administration) and Nancy Bates (U.S. Census)
How Would You Describe Yourself? Recent Developments in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Survey Measures
Maura Spiegelman (National Center for Education Statistics) and Christina Dragon (Department of Labor)
Pretesting SOGI Questions for Self and Proxy: How do In-Person Cognitive Interviews Compare to Online Testing?
Robin Kaplan (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Accessing and Analyzing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Public-Use Files
Andrew R. Flores (American University and the Williams Institute)
Evaluating Data Quality
Location: Rooms 147AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Grace Medley (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Nonresponse Bias Studies of the Consumer Expenditure Survey
Barry Steinberg, Sharon Krieger and Brett McBride (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Using Process Data to Understand Non-Response in NAEP
Markus Broer, Ruhan Circi and Juanita Hicks (American Institutes for Research)
Rethinking Response Rate Calculations for Probability-based Samples from Online Panels
Mansour Fahimi and Frances M. Barlas (Ipsos)
Fitness for Use: Assessing Data Quality Through the Lens of Data Use
Daniel Dorfman and Adam Safir (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Practical Tools for Evaluating Data Quality of Administration Records
Erin Tanenbaum and Zachary H. Seeskin (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Improvement of Opioid Use and Disorder Measurement: Putting Data into Action at the National and State Levels
Location: Room 156
Organizer: Lisa Wagner (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Jessica White (HHS Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation)
- Kristen Miller (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
- Stephanie Willson (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
- Fadia Shaya (University of Maryland School of Pharmacy)
Concurrent Session E
Wednesday, April 15th
10:45 AM – 12:30 PM
Linking Extant Data to a National Survey for Official Statistics: The National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Elina T. Page (Economic Research Service)
Enriching Analysis by Linking Data: The National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS)
Elina T. Page (Economic Research Service)
Do supplemental list frames for subpopulations increase subpopulation sampling efficiency? Evidence from the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey
Shiyu Zhang (University of Michigan)
Estimation of Underreporting in the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey
John A. Kirlin (Kirlin Analytic Services)
Assessing the nutritional quality of household food acquisitions using the National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey
Linda Kantor (Economic Research Service)
Multilevel Regression and Poststratification (MRP) for Small Area Estimation with Geocoded FoodAPS Data
Xingyou Zhang (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Discussant:Linda Young (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Measuring the Impact of Technology on the Economy
Location: Room 146B
Organizer and Session Chair: Javier Miranda(U.S. Census Bureau)
An Analysis of Trade and Employment in Potentially ICT-Enabled Services in the United States
Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan (University of Washington Seattle) and Shounkie Nawani (Infinite Sum Modelling)
New Measures of Robot Use in U.S. Manufacturing
Catherine Buffington, Javier Miranda, and Rob Seamans (U.S. Census Bureau)
Measures of Robotic Expenditures from the Annual Capital Expenditures Survey
Chris Clifton (Purdue University), Eric Hanson (Brandeis University), Keith Merrill (Brandeis University), and Valerie Mastalski, Catherine Buffington,Anne S. Russell and Javier Miranda (U.S. Census Bureau)
Business Dynamics Statistics of High Tech Industries
Nathan Goldschlag and Javier Miranda (U.S. Census Bureau)
Discussant: Emin Dinlersoz (U.S. Census Bureau)
Using Data about the Data
Location: Room 146C
Organizer and Session Chair: Gavin Corral (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Lessons and Insights from the Use of Audit Trails to Analyze the Effect of Moving a Survey Question
Brandon Kopp and Lucilla Tan (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Using Process Data to Study Interviewer Effects on Measurement Error and Nonresponse in the Consumer Expenditure Survey
John Dixon and Erica Yu (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Improving Paradata Measures using Qualitative Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning
Renee Ellis (U.S. Census Bureau)
Diving into Process Data: New Insights into NAEP Items
Ruhan Circi Kizil, Janita Hicks (American Institutes for Research) and Emmanuel Sikali (National Center for Education Statistics)
Metadata Projects Made Plain for U.S. Statistical Agencies
Peter B. Meyer, Daniel Gillman (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Kathryn McNamara(U.S. Census Bureau)
Data Ethics Frameworks
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Jessica Graber (National Center for Health Statistics)
Ethical Considerations for Data Access and Use
Amy O’Hara (Georgetown University)
Policy and Technology: Ensuring Ethics in the Submission and Access of Biomedical Research Data
Dina N. Paltoo (National Institutes of Health)
Ethical Issues in the Development of Complex Machine Learning Algorithms
Sara R. Jordan (Policy Counsel, Artificial Intelligence, Future of Privacy Forum)
Information Quality Frameworks for Alternative and Integrated Data
Location: Room 147AB
Organizers: Joy Sharp (Energy Information Administration) and Dennis Fixler (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Session Chair: Joy Sharp (Energy Information Administration)
A Framework and Best Practices for Measuring and Reporting Data Quality
Keenan Dworak-Fisher (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Total Error Frameworks for Integrated Survey and Found Data
Paul Biemer (RTI International)
Discussants: Colm O’Muircheartaigh (University of Chicago) and Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland)
Privacy and Accuracy for 2020 Census Data Products: The CNSTAT Workshop
Location: Room 156
Organizers: Connie Citro and Daniel Cork (Committee on National Statistics)
Session Chair: Daniel Cork (Committee on National Statistics)
Implications of Differential Privacy in 2020 for State and Local Revenues
Nicholas Nagle (University of Tennessee)
Effects of Differentially Private Noise Injection on Survey Operations
Quentin Brummet (NORC at the University of Chicago)
Differential Privacy and Mortality Rates in the United States
Alexis Santos-Lozada (Pennsylvania State University)
Demographic Findings of the 2010 Census Demonstration Product and Subsequent Refinement of the TopDown Algorithm for 2020
Matthew Spence (U.S. Census Bureau)
Summary of What Data Users Heard at the CNSTAT Workshop and What Kinds of Census-User Interactions Are Needed Going Forward
V. Joseph Hotz (Duke University)
Concurrent Session F
Wednesday, April 15th
1:45 PM – 3:30 PM
Blended Data for Evidence-Based Research and Evaluation
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Matthew Williams (National Science Foundation)
Blending Privately-Provided Payroll Data and Government Statistics
Leland Crane (Federal Reserve Board)
Public Libraries and Collective Efficacy: An Exploratory Study of Blending Data from the Public Libraries Survey and the American Housing Survey
Lisa Frehill (Institute of Museum and Library Services)
Linking Official Statistics and Remote Sensing Data for Training Crop-Yield Regression Models
Luca Sartore (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Measuring the cost and impact of open source software innovation on GitHub
José Bayoán Santiago Calderón*(UVA), Brandon Kramer*(UVA) , Gizem Korkmaz (UVA), Carol Robbins (NCSES), Aaron Schroeder (UVA) , Sallie Keller (UVA)
Discussant: Nathan Cruze (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Advances in Disclosure Avoidance
Location: Room 146B
Organizer: Harrison Quick (Drexel University)
Session Chair: Monika Hu (Vassar College)
Incorporating Economic Conditions in Synthetic Microdata for Business Programs: A Case Study
Katherine Jenny Thompson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Risk-Efficient Bayesian Data Synthesis for Privacy Protection
Terrance Savitsky (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Comparative Study of Differentially Private Synthetic Data Algorithms and Evaluation Standards
Joshua Snoke (RAND
Generating Poisson-Distributed Differentially Private Synthetic Data
Harrison Quick (DrexelUniversity)
Discussant: Tom Krenzke (Westat)
The National Corrections Reporting Program: Methodological Issues and Research
Location: Room 146C
Organizer: Ryan Kling (Abt Associates)
Moderator: Ryan Kling (Abt Associates)
- Ryan Kling (Abt Associates)
- Christopher Cutler (Abt Associates)
- Walter Campbell (Abt Associates)
- Gerald Gaes (Independent Consultant)
Data Science: Capacity Building to Solve Real World Problems
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizers: Jennifer Edgar (Bureau ofLabor Statistics) and Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland)
Moderator: Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland)
- Yulei He (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Alex Measure (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Mark Denbaly (Economic Research Service)
- Lisa Frid (U.S. Census Bureau)
Communicating Fitness for Use
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer: Jennifer Parker (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
Moderator: Jennifer Parker (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
- Amy Branum (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Marilyn Seastrom (National Centerfor Education Statistics
- Regina Nuzzo (American Statistical Association)
- Robert Sivinski (U.S. Office of Management and Budget)
- Samantha Tyner (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Applications of Non-Probability Samples
Location: Room 156
Organizer and Session Chair: Aaron Maitland (National Center for Health Statistics)
Lock Sampling, or: Yes, Panels are Different – Now What?
Jake Soffronoff (USPS Office of InspectorGeneral)
Crowdsourcing for Recruiting Hard-to-Reach Populations: An Example of Recruiting Military Veterans
Y. Patrick Hsieh, Leyla Stambaugh and Herschel Sanders (RTI International)
Can We Do This Another Way? Potential Nonprobability Sample Sources for Social and Health Surveys
Matt Jans, Davia Moyse and Yang Yang Deng (ICF)
Systematic Evaluation of Respondent Driven Sampling Implementation
Sunghee Lee, Ai Rene Ong and R.J. Batas (University of Michigan
Concurrent Session G
Wednesday, April 15th
3:45 PM – 5:30 PM
Linkage Applications of ACS Data
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Scott Wentland (Bureau of Economic Analysis)
Augmenting ACS Microdata with CPS using Machine Learning
Kendra Asher, Peter Meyer and Matthew Russell and Jay Stewart (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Impacts of Broadband Development on Rural Property Values
Joshua Goldstein, Teja Pristavec and Devika T. Mahoney-Nair (University of Virginia)
Counting (on) Journalists: Using Federal Statistical Data to Estimate the Size, Characteristics and Geographic Distribution of Newsroom Employees in the United States
Elizabeth M. Grieco (Pew Research Center)
Veteran Population Projection Based on the Blended Data from the Administrative Records and American Community Survey
Jin Kim, Hyo Park, Charles Lin, and Tom Garin (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
Measuring Self-Employment Status and Income
Location: Room 146B
Organizer: Robert Munk (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Mark Klee (U.S. Census Bureau)
Improving Self-Employment Imputations with Administrative Data and Model Based Imputations: An Analysis Using the Survey of Income and Program Participation
Jonathan Eggleston, Mark Klee and Robert Munk (U.S. Census Bureau)
Tax Burdens and Barriers for Self-Employed Taxpayers: Results from the IRS Estimated Tax Survey
Janet Li, Yan K. Liu, Brett Collins, Alicia Miller and Tomas Wind (Internal Revenue Service)
The Effect of Structural and Cyclical Changes on Trends Across Time in the Number of Independent Contractors
Anne Polivka (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Reconciling Survey and Administrative Measures of Self-Employment
Katharine G. Abraham, John C. Haltiwanger (University of Maryland), Claire Hou (University of Maryland and U.S. Census Bureau), Kristin Sandusky and James R. Spletzer (U.S. Census Bureau)
Innovations in Survey Design
Location: Room 146C
Organizer and Session Chair: Grace Medley (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
Optimizing Data Collection Procedures For Web-push Survey Designs: Evidence FromA National Study
Michael Jackson, Danielle Battle and Rebecca Medway (American Institutes for Research)
Recruiting a Probability Sample of 18 Year Olds for a Longitudinal Study on Interpersonal Violence
David Cantor, Reanne Townsend and Gail Thomas (Westat)
Mode Effects or Measurement Reliability: Differences in Estimates from Same Individuals between Web and Mail Survey Administration
John Boyle, Ronaldo Iachan and Matt Jans (ICF)
Using SMS as a Survey Recruitment Tool – Challenges Convincing Respondents and Carriers of Legitimacy
James Dayton, Robynne Locke andRachel Kinder (ICF)
Survey Improvement Recommendationsfrom a Field Staff
Graham Jones, Daniel Dorfman and Yezzi Angi Lee (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Data Science
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Carla Medalia (U.S. Census Bureau)
Automating Public-Sector Frame Maintenance and Item Replacement
Keith Finlay (U.S. Census Bureau)
Blended Data Approach for Estimating Business Owners’ Characteristics
Aneta Erdie (U.S. Census Bureau)
Industry Classification using Machine Learning: an Application to the Economic Census
Javier Miranda (U.S. Census Bureau)
Transparent Reporting of Statistics
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Mark Prell (Economic Research Service)
Overview of the Transparent Reporting Project and Assessing the Data User’s Perspective
Mark Prell (Economic Research Service)
Quality Considerations when Integrating Alternative Data into the Consumer Price Index
Crystal Konny (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Reporting on Integrated Data Quality for Linkage between the National Hospital Care Survey and the National Death Index
Lisa Mirel (National Center for Health Statistics)
Reporting on Integrated Data Quality for the Veteran Population Projection Model 2016
Tom Garin (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics)
Reporting on Integrated Data Quality for the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
Chris Chapman (National Center for Education Statistics)
The Evidence Act and Evaluation in Action
Location: Room 156
Organizer: Matthew Williams (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, NSF)
Session Chair: Jennifer Sinibaldi (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
- Melissa Abelev (USDA Food and Nutrition Service)
- Russ Burnett (General Services Administration
- Cynthia Phillips (National Centerfor Science and Engineering Statistics)
- Susan Queen (National Center for Health Statistic
Concurrent Session H
Thursday, April 16th
8:30 – 10:15 AM
Leveraging Multiple Health Care Data Sources to Generate Statistical Information in the U.S. Health Care Delivery System
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Denys Lau (National Center for Health Statistics)
Benefits and Challenges in Using Surveyand Administrative Data in the National Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Study (NPALS)
Lauren Harris-Kojetin (National Center for Health Statistics)
Lessons Learned from using Integrated Modes of Abstracted Medical Records and Electronic Health Records for Collection of Physician Data: National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 2016-2017
Joseph Staudt (National Center for Health Statistics)
National Hospital Care Survey: Trials and Tribulations of Integrating Claims and Electronic Health Records Data
Geoffrey Jackson (National Center for Health Statistics)
Discussant:Susan Queen (National Center for Health Statistics)
Innovative Measures for Traditional Concepts
Location: Room 146B
Organizer and Session Chair:E. Ann Carson(Department of Justice)
Building a New Urban, Suburban, and Rural Indicator
Emily Molfino (U.S. Census Bureau), Shawn Bucholtz (Housing and Urban Development) and Jed Kolko (Indeed)
Measuring the Small Business Economy
Tina Highfill and Richard Cao (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis), Richard Schwinn (Small Business Administration), Richard Prisinzano (University of Pennsylvania) and DannyLeung (Statistics Canada)
Poverty in the U.S. Using the Comprehensive Income Dataset
Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago, NBER, AEI, and U.S. Census Bureau), Derek Wu (University of Chicago) and Carla Medalia(U.S. Census Bureau)
A Nontraditional Data Approach to theCPI Gasoline Index
Sarah Niedergall, John Bieler and David Popko (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
The Unemployment Rate Using Alternative Data: Estimating Labor Market Status with Consumer Bank Flows
Benjamin Mandel and Boqiu Lu (J.P. Morgan Asset Management)
Innovations in Small Area Estimation Models for Official Statistics Programs
Location: Room 146C
Organizer: Andreea Erciulescu(Westat)
Session Chair: Jean D. Opsomer (Westat)
Preserving Acreage Relationships in Small Area Agricultural Models
Lu Chen (National Institute of Statistical Sciences and National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Small Domain Estimation in the National Compensation Survey
Daniel Ayasse (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Adopting Prior Distributions for the Variance-Covariance Matrices to Fully Specify an Area-Level Bivariate Hierarchical Bayes Three-Fold Model for Proportions of Adult Competency Andreea Erciulescu (Westat)
A Bayesian and Spatial Modeling Approach for Multiple Correlated Health Outcomes: Application to Teen Births Data by Race and Hispanic Origin Groups
Diba Khan (National Center for Health Statistics)
Discussant: Robert Fay (Westat
Assessing Privacy Risk: Reconstruction & Re-Identification
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer: Michael Hawes (U.S. CensusBureau)
Moderator: Michael Hawes (U.S. CensusBureau)
- Simson Garfinkel (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Aref Dajani (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Shawn Bucholtz (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)
Data Quality: Communication of Uncertainty in Official Statistics
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer: John Eltinge (U.S. Census Bureau)
Session Chair: Jennifer Parker (National Center for Health Statistics)
More Fully Capturing Uncertainty Associated with Official Estimates
Linda Young (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Evaluating Uncertainty in Multiple Dimensions of Data Quality
John Eltinge (U.S. Census Bureau)
Tailored Transparency: Public Trust vs. Reproducibility
Peter Miller (Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University and U.S.Census Bureau, Retired)
Discussant: Jeffrey Gonzalez (Economic Research Service)
Concurrent Session J
Thursday, April 16th
10:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Applications in Survey
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Jennifer Beck (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
A Secondary Analysis of Interviewer Effects in the BRFSS
Antonia Warren, Ting Yan (Westat) and Carol Pierannunzi (National Center for Health Statistics)
Interviewer Training for Classroom versus Distance Learning: Initial Skill Gains and Measures of Drift
Hanyu Sun, Angie Kistler and Ryan Hubbard (Westat)
The Impact of the Pregnancy Checkbox and Misclassification on Maternal Mortality Trends in the US, 1999-2017
Lauren Rossen, Lindsay Womack and Sayeedha Uddin (National Center for Health Statistics)
Lessons Learned from Statistical Analysis of Elections Returns to Help Improve Ballot Design: The Case of Name Order
Jon A. Krosnick (Stanford University)
Improving Methodologies in Establishment Surveys
Location: Room 146B
Organizer and Session Chair: Ellen Galantucci (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Towards Developing a Quantitative Measure for Response Burden for Coordinated Sampling of Annual Business Surveys
Laura Bechtel and Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)
The Record-Keeping Practices of Medium-sized Multi-unit Businesses and Organizations
Diane K. Willimack, Erica Marquette (U.S. Census Bureau), Struther Van Horn (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and Demetria Hanna (U.S. Census Bureau)
Understanding the Characteristics of Unresolved Matched Records in Capture-Recapture Methodology
Denise A. Abreu (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Sampling Strategies for the QCEW Business Supplement
Sharon S. Stang and Emily deWolf (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Better Than a “Guess- Estimate”: Methods for Estimation and Analysis
Location: Room 146C
Organizer and Session Chair: Janine McFadden (Bureau of Transportation Statistics)
Constructing Better Coverage Intervals for Some Estimators Computed from a Complex Probability Sample
Phillip S. Kott (RTI International)
A Decomposition Analysis of the Food Expenditure Series
Eliana Zeballos and Timothy Park (Economic Research Service)
An Easy Way to Calibrate on Partly Known Multiple Totals in Frequency Tables with Application to Real Data
Michael Sverchkov (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
The Relationship Between the Seasonal Regression Model-based F Test and a Diagnosis of Residual Seasonality
Demetra Lytras and Kathleen McDonald-Johnson (U.S. Census Bureau)
Disclosure Review Boards: Design, Governance, Modernization
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer: Michael Hawes (U.S. CensusBureau)
Moderator: Michael Hawes (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Rob Sienkiewicz (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Daniell Toth (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
- Ashley Landreth (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Darius Singpurwalla (National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics)
- Greg Fortelny (U.S. Department of Education)
Nonresponse Bias in Federal Surveys – Gaps in Knowledge and Future Opportunities
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer: Tala Fakhouri (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
Moderator: Tala Fakhouri (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
Constructing an Inventory of Non-response Bias Studies in Federal Survey
Miller (Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University and U.S. Census Bureau, Retired)
Developing and Assessing Weighting Methods for the Redesigned National health Interview Survey
James Dahlhamer (National Center for Health Statistics)
Finding the Right Auxiliary Information for Non-response Adjustment Models: In Search of Zs with Desirable Properties
Andy Peytchev (RTI International)
Estimating Survey Non-response Bias Using Tax Records
Bruce Meyer (University of Chicago, NBER, AEI, and U.S. Census Bureau)
Concurrent Session K
Thursday, April 16th
1:30 PM – 3:15 PM
Linked Data from the Census Bureau for Evidence Building: Accessing the Data and Recent Results
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Katie Genadek (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
Criminal Justice in the US and Economic Inequality: Results from the Criminal Justice Administrative Records System
Keith Finlay (U.S. Census Bureau)
UMETRICS: Data For Examining How Research is Produced and How it Affects the Broader Economy
Joseph Staudt (U.S. Census Bureau)
Results from the Evidence Building Project Series: Health at Birth, Later Life Achievement, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage
Sarah Miller (University of Michigan)
The Census Longitudinal Infrastructure Project – Linked Census Data and Results from the Impact of Preschool on Later-Life Outcomes
Katie Genadek, (U.S. Census Bureau)
Integrating Information from Multiple Data Sources to Support Policies to Reduce Rural Health Disparities
Location: Room 146B
Organizer and Session Chair: Ernest Moy (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)
Healthy People: Exploring Urban/Rural Disparities in the Nation’s Health
David T. Huang and Johanna Alfier (National Center for Health Statistics)
Integrating Information from Multiple Data Sources to Support Policies to Reduce Rural Health Disparities in AHRQ Quality and Disparities Report
Barbara Barton and Karen Chaves (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
Employing Geographic Concepts and Methods to Maximize the Effectiveness of Rural Health Programs
Mark F. Guagliardo (Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Enterprise Integration)
Integrating Information from Multiple Data Sources by the VHA Office of Health Equity to Support Policies to Reduce Rural Health Disparities Among Veterans
Ernest Moy and Kenneth Jones (Veterans Health Administration Office of Health Equity
Discussant: Sarah Heppner (Federal Office of Rural Health Policy)
Innovative Uses of Imputation
Location: Room 146C
Organizer: Tamara Rib (Internal Revenue Service)
Session Chair: Kimberly Henry (Internal Revenue Service)
An Imputation Solution for Differentiating between Unreported Attitudes and Genuine Nonattitudes in Survey Data
Jeff Gill (American University) and Natalie Jackson (PRRI)
Applying Cluster Analysis to Improve the American Housing Survey Hot Deck
Brian Shaffer, Stephen Ash and Kathy Zha (U.S. Census Bureau)
Model Selection within Sequential Imputation: A New Treatment for Missing Values in High-Dimensional (Survey) Data
Micha Fischer (University of Michigan)
Survey Data – Editing and Imputation (E&I) Methods
Menuka Ban (EY)
Using Machine-Learning Algorithms to Improve Imputation in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Chandler McClellan, Emily Mitchell and Jerrod Anderson (Agency for Healthcare Researchand Quality)
Disclosure in an Era of Administrative Records and Data Sharing
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer: Michael Hawes (U.S. CensusBureau)
Moderator: Michael Hawes (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Barry Johnson (IRS Statistics of Income Division)
- Ashley Landreth (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Shelly Martinez (Office of Management and Budget)
- Jennifer Madans (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
Geospatial Act and You
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer: Wendy Martinez (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Moderator: Ted Strocko (Department of Transportation)
- Ivan Deloatch (U.S. Geological Survey, Federal Geographic Data Committee)
- Mike Ratcliffe (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Derald Dudley (Department of Transportation)
- Douglas Geverdt (National Center for Education Statistics)
Concurrent Session L
Thursday, April 16th
3:30 PM – 5:15 PM
Using Record Linkage to Assess a Social Outcome
Location: Rooms 146A
Organizer and Session Chair: Kevin Scott (Department of Justice)
The Project Talent-National Death Index Repository
Kelly Peters, Susan Lapham (American Institutes for Research) and Benjamin Chapman (University of Rochester Medical Center)
The Promises and Challenges of Linked Rent Data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey and Housing and Urban Development
John Voorheis, Garret Christensen and Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej (U.S. Census Bureau
Linking ACS and IRS Data to Assess College Attendance and Completion by Family Income
Leah Clark, Jennifer Ortman, Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej and John Voorheis (U.S. Census Bureau)
Health and Retirement Study: Weight Adjustment for Linkage with Earnings Records from the Social Security Administration
Sirin Yaemsiri, Jeff M. Tessin, Michael J. Collins, Jennifer A. Gregory, Kathleen C. McQueeney and Christopher Zbrozek (U.S. Government Accountability Office)
Linking State Medicaid and Child Welfare Data for Parental Behavioral Health Services and Child Welfare Outcomes
Emily Madden (Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Planning and Evaluation), Valeria Butler (Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, HHS) and Robin Ghertner (Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Planning and Evaluation)
Data Modernization at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Location: Room 146B
Organizer and Session Chair: Jiashen You (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Improving Employer Data Collection- The Journey to Modernization of the U.S Equal Opportunity Commission’s Employer Information EEO-1 Survey
Margaret Noonan (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Estimating, Describing and Locating U.S. Workers Vulnerable to Workplace Discrimination
Benjamin Overholt (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Recent Advances in Data Access for EEO-1 Survey
Justin West (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Discussant: Nick Hart (Data Coalition)
Discussant: Chris Haffer (Chief Data Officer, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
Translating High-Profile Statistics for Policymakers and the Public: Lessons from the Drug Overdose Epidemic
Location: Room 146C
Organizer: Renee Gindi (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
Session Chair: Renee Gindi (National Centerfor Health Statistics)
- Renee Gindi (National Center for Health Statistics)
- Holly Hedegaard (National Center for Health Statistics Division of Analysis and Epidemiology)
- Jeff Lancashire (National Center for Health Statistics Public AffairsOffice)
- Susan Queen (National Center for Health Statistics Office of Planning Budget and Legislation)
Disclosure Review Risk Assessments
Location: Rooms 145AB
Organizer and Session Chair: Jacob Bournazian (Energy Information Administration)
Quantifying the Disclosure Risk for Public Data Products: Theories and Practices
Jianzhu Li and Tom Krenzke (Westat)
Reliance on Goodness-of-Fit Criteria to Make an Accurate Assessment of Re-Identification Risk for Survey Microdata
Ryan Kling and David Izrael (Abt Associates Inc.)
Steps Toward Procedures for Disclosure Review of Qualitative Research Reports
Joanne Pascale, Nancy Bates and Diane Willimack (U.S. Census Bureau)
Big Survey Meets Big Data: Integrating Administrative Data into the American Community Survey
Location: Room 147AB
Organizer: Jennifer M. Ortman (U.S.Census Bureau)
Moderator: Jennifer M. Ortman (U.S.Census Bureau)
Disscusant: Quentin Brummet (NORC at the University of Chicago)
- Sandra L. Clark (U.S. Census Bureau)
- R. Chase Sawyer (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Jonathan Rothbaum (U.S. Census Bureau)
- Nikolas D. Pharris-Ciurej (U.S. Census Bureau)